KANSAS CITY, Missouri – CinemaKC will partner with the KC Film Office and VisitKC to present four classic films throughout 2018. All four works in this “Legacy Series” were filmed in the region with Kansas City locations, cast, and crew. Each film will be given a theatre venue screening with a reunion of personnel who worked on the projects. It’s an opportunity to introduce new audiences to the big screen experience of Kansas City classics.
Preceding each screening, there will be a V.I.P. a party and those who worked on or otherwise had an association with the film will share anecdotes. The screenings will be followed by a Q&A panel discussion.
The first film in the series, Kansas City, by director Robert Altman, starring Jennifer Jason Leigh, Harry Belafonte and a Who’s-Who of notable actors and musicians, will screen on Sunday, June 10, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. at the beautiful Screenland Medallion Theatre at Plexpod Westport Commons, located at 300 E. 39th Street in Kansas City, Mo.. A V.I.P. jazz reception will take place prior to the screening, co-sponsored by KC Jazz ALIVE and GreenLadyRadio.com. Special Guests include Robert (Bobby) Altman and Dana Altman, plus cast and crew.
“The film series is an opportunity for a whole new generation to experience these great classic films, all shot right here in the Kansas City area, and a chance for friends to reunite,” said CinemaKC President, Rick Brook. “It’s exactly the kind of thing CinemaKC exists to do.”
“These films are some of the best examples of how a production and a city can synthesize to produce mainstream, highly visible projects together,” said Steph Scupham of the KC Film Office. “It is what we are hoping to do a lot more of in Kansas City.”
Kansas City Sunday, June 10, 2018, at 3:30 p.m. at the Screenland Medallion Theatre at Plexpod Westport Commons, located at 300 E. 39th Street in Kansas City, Mo. General Admission Suggested Donation $10 for Open Forum, Screening and Q&A afterwards. Special Guests include Robert (Bobby) Altman and Dana Altman, plus cast and crew. VIP Jazz Reception $15 at 2:15 p.m. at The Sundry in Plexpod Westport Commons. Includes VIP Jazz Reception and Appetizers; Screening purchased separately. Purchase tickets at Eventbrite.com

PATRICIA HAMARSTROM WILLIAMS, M.F.A., Ph.D.abd is storyteller with international film and theatre directing and new media credits. Her film credits include “A Tomb for Boris Davidovich”, “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night”, “Othello”, and “Tiger Dance”; work at Cinecitta and for Universal Studios. She has also directed at major theatres, including Lincoln Center, American Repertory Theatre, Missouri (now Kansas City) Repertory Theatre, national Shakespeare Festivals, and the National Theatre of Serbia.
Hamarstrom Williams has served as Executive Director of both the Kansas City Film Festival and the KAN Film Festival. She is Vice President of the Board of CinemaKC, having joined in 2014.