One Woman’s Fantasies Fulfilled in THE HOURGLASS FIGURE
Patrick Rea and his work at Senoreality takes the stage in Episode 5 of CinemaKC on Friday, October 31, 2014, at 10:30p.m. on KCPT. Rea’s film THE HOURGLASS FIGURE is featured and he discusses his upcoming film, ENCLOSURE. Episode 5 will air again on Sunday, November 2, at 5:30p.m. and Friday, November 8 at 12:30a.m on KCPT.
Two hours later, Episode 4 of the CinemaKC season will be re-broadcast at 12:30a.m. on early Saturday morning, November 1, 2014, on KCPT. The guests are Gary Jenkins discussing the feature doc GANGLAND WIRE, Reid Bangert with the short doc WE ARE SOMEBODY, Mark Honer and and Bryce Benion with the DHTV DEMO REEL, KS farmland and FISHER OF MEN video.
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PATRICIA HAMARSTROM WILLIAMS, M.F.A., Ph.D.abd is storyteller with international film and theatre directing and new media credits. Her film credits include “A Tomb for Boris Davidovich”, “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night”, “Othello”, and “Tiger Dance”; work at Cinecitta and for Universal Studios. She has also directed at major theatres, including Lincoln Center, American Repertory Theatre, Missouri (now Kansas City) Repertory Theatre, national Shakespeare Festivals, and the National Theatre of Serbia.
Hamarstrom Williams has served as Executive Director of both the Kansas City Film Festival and the KAN Film Festival. She is Vice President of the Board of CinemaKC, having joined in 2014.
Dear CinemaKC,
Will season 4 episode 4 be shown on youtube or on your site again this fall?
Michael Wickerson
Hi Michael,
Episode 4 will be re-run at the first of the year and again during the summer.