Episode 7 November 14 at 10:30 p.m. on KCPT: Animation, African American History, and REAL Media
TONIGHT on CINEMAKC at 10:30 p.m. on KCPT! Great things are happening…….Stinson McClendon and Rodney Thompson discussing STILL JAMMIN’ and MOTHER’S CLUB; Jim Lammers with animation and his work on ARCHER; Brad Burrow and Darrin Plant with work from REAL MEDIA. All with fascinating film discussion led by Michelle Davidson and Erin McGrane. This Episode 7 will be repeated Sunday, November 16 at 5:30p.m. and Friday, November 21 at 12:30a.m..

PATRICIA HAMARSTROM WILLIAMS, M.F.A., Ph.D.abd is storyteller with international film and theatre directing and new media credits. Her film credits include “A Tomb for Boris Davidovich”, “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night”, “Othello”, and “Tiger Dance”; work at Cinecitta and for Universal Studios. She has also directed at major theatres, including Lincoln Center, American Repertory Theatre, Missouri (now Kansas City) Repertory Theatre, national Shakespeare Festivals, and the National Theatre of Serbia.
Hamarstrom Williams has served as Executive Director of both the Kansas City Film Festival and the KAN Film Festival. She is Vice President of the Board of CinemaKC, having joined in 2014.