CinemaKC Focuses on Filmmaking Professional Groups
I.F.C.K.C. and K.C. Screenwriters Featured THURSDAY, July 24, AT MIDNIGHT-THIRTY ON KCPT
KANSAS CITY, MO. – CinemaKC, the television program devoted to showcasing local films and filmmaking talent, will feature two important professional organizations that support local writers and indie talent on Thursday, July 24, at midnight-thirty. (That means that it’s actually airing on Friday morning, July 25 at 12:30 a.m.). The Kansas City PBS affiliate, KCPT, will air the sixth episode of the third season.
Two key area filmmaking groups will be featured during the broadcast. The Independent Filmmakers Coalition of K.C. has been devoted to promoting independent regional film, video and media production since 1993. K.C. Screenwriters meets weekly to foster area writers.
Also airing are two short films. Bennu: The Rise derives its name from the Egyptian word for phoenix and is a compelling sci-fi fantasy about Mysterious Girl, who is held in a laboratory where she is experimented on to discover the truth of her existence. Filmmaker Bradley J. Lincoln will discuss his vision. Leading actor, Irene Delmonte, joins in the conversation.
Monkey See, Monkey Do is a quirky love story by Zac Eubanks filmed in Kansas City. Star Krystal Heib discusses her role in the work with hosts Michelle Davidson and Erin McGrane.
Additonal guests on this week’s CinemaKC segment include Jennifer Seward-DeRock and Bryan Colley.
The upcoming episode of CinemaKC on July 31, 2014, will feature guests Dylan Dietz, Ann Mendenhall, John Berry, Mike Kelly and Mike Kearns. Animated works from the Midwest Association of Professional Animators and the Kansas City Art Institute students and graduates air, including a short by Douglas Meloche.
CinemaKC airs Thursday, July 24, at midnight-thirty. (That means that it’s actually airing on Friday morning, July 25 at 12:30 a.m.) on Kansas City PBS affiliate, KCPT.

PATRICIA HAMARSTROM WILLIAMS, M.F.A., Ph.D.abd is storyteller with international film and theatre directing and new media credits. Her film credits include “A Tomb for Boris Davidovich”, “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night”, “Othello”, and “Tiger Dance”; work at Cinecitta and for Universal Studios. She has also directed at major theatres, including Lincoln Center, American Repertory Theatre, Missouri (now Kansas City) Repertory Theatre, national Shakespeare Festivals, and the National Theatre of Serbia.
Hamarstrom Williams has served as Executive Director of both the Kansas City Film Festival and the KAN Film Festival. She is Vice President of the Board of CinemaKC, having joined in 2014.