Episode Eleven: Terence O’Malley and Randall Moore
Local documentarian brings Kansas City history alive in a trilogy of films featuring a President, the mob, and a fashion scion. Plus, dental me rcury amalgams get a thorough examination.
Michelle Davidson
Erin McGrane
Created by
Jerry Rapp
John Shipp
Executive Producers
John Shipp
Jerry Rapp
Larry Garrett
Linda Wiedmaier
Supervising Producer / Writer
Linda Wiedmaier
Producer / Director
Larry Garrett
Michael Wunsch / Outpost Worldwide
Robert K. Cecil / Outpost Worldwide
Sarah Strnad / Outpost Worldwide
Valerie Anderson / Outpost Worldwide
Michelle Davidson
Erin McGrane
Dylan Dietz
Associate Producer
Katie Mulich / Outpost Worldwide
Post-Production Supervisor
Dylan Dietz
Jib Operator
Chris Durr
Technical Director / Sound Engineer
Robert K. Cecil
p>Director of Photography
Michael Wunsch
First Assistant Director / Floor Manager
Bryce Young
Second Assistant Director
Tucker Keatley
Assistant Technical Director
John Burke
Assistant Camera
Mary C. Taylor
Emily Herold
Camera Operators
Nicholas Young
Valerie Anderson
Evan Wunsch
Garrett Alloway
Donovan Jones
Sean Day
Nick Malley
Camera Intern
Gabrielle Dierenfeldt
Mike Wunsch
Script Supervisor
Jennifer Seward-DeRock
Molly Montgomery
Assistant Script Supervisor
Maia Ades
Catering / Craft Services Coordinator
Nadine Mummaw
Guest Coordinator
Cathy Runyan Svacina
Production Assistants
Maia Ades
Molly Montgomery
Marvita Oliver
Hair and Makeup Artists
Staci Broski / 7th Row Productions
Chanda Hutton
Production Photographer
Phil Peterson
Photography Interns
H. Jessica D. Wayland
Lauren Wunsch
Production Designer
Michael Wunsch
Field Director / Director of Photography
Katrina McCann
Production Accountant
Geoffrey Westra
Christopher Dierenfeldt
Dylan Dietz
Opening Credits
Claudia Chagui of T2
Post Production Audio
Daniel C. Warneke of Wheeler Audio
Closed Captioning
Dylan Dietz
Nadine Mummaw
Show Open Composer
Noel Selders
Substream Music & Sound Design
End Title Composer / Additional Music
Jeff Freling
Caterers and Craft Services
Comfort Catering / Lynnette Forney
Conscious Images® LLC, John Niernberger
Special Thanks
Michael Murphy
Film Commission of Greater Kansas City
Kansas Film Commission
Film Society of Greater Kansas City
CinemaKC Board of Directors
Aaron Laue
Fuller Creative, LLC
Standard Style Boutique
Christopher Elbow Chocolates
Krystal Heib
Wes Neal
Brian Neal
Jordan Crow
Teri Rogers and Nick Stout of T2
Zac Eubank for "Monkey see, Monkey do"
Douglas Meloche for "Remix"
Jenny Brinkman for "Counterproductive"
Patrick Rea for "Wrong Number"
Michael McMillan for "Charlie 13"
Special Thanks / Kickstarter Supporters
Amber Rapp
Andy Garrison
Angie Storms
Annie Walsh
B. Riggin
Barbara Noble
Ben Lee
Bob Atkins
Brian Paulette
Bruce Branit
Bryce Young
Caitlin Horsmon
Cathy Svacina
Chris Hager
Chris Haghirian
Cindy Tsutsumi
Collin Martin
Curious Pixel - Sara Hebert
Daniel Minton
David Skaggs
Dennis Porter
Fred G. Andrews
Gary Huggins
Hanuman Brown-Eagle
Heidi Gardner
Jack Holland
Jamie Searle
Jason Imlay
Jason Nivens
Jen Greenstreet
Jim McCullough
Joe Gauer
John Burke
John Holson
Jon O'Neal
Josh Fry
Justin Gardner
Kathryn Land
Katie Van Luchene
Kevan Gibbs
Lyn Elliot
Marc Havener
Mark Huffhines
Mary C. Taylor
Matt Connelly
Michael Byars
Mona Grinberg
Monica Espinosa
Nathan Kincaid
Pat Hursey
Pat Williams
Randall Moore
Ross Stinemetz
Russ Hadley
Sam Abadir
Sam Billen
Samantha Carter
Sara Theurer
Sharon Harris
Stephen Goldblatt
Sylvia Guerra
Tammy & Jay Byland
Timothy Burchak
Tom Styrkowicz
Vicky Bates
Media Mike
Very Special Thanks
Andrea Sporcic and the Missouri Film Commission
CinemaKC Strategic Partners
Arts Council of Metropolitan Kansas City
Film Commission of Greater Kansas City
Blackberry Castle Productions
Film Society of Greater Kansas City
Independent Filmmaker’s Coalition
Kansas City Film Critics Circle
Kansas City FilmFest
Kansas City Filmmakers Jubilee
Kansas City Fringe Festival
Kansas City Screenwriters
Kansas City Urban Film Festival
Kansas City Women in Film and TV
Kansas Film Commission
Kansas International Film Festival
Missouri Film Commission
Missouri Motion Media Association
Off Center Theatre
Reel Spirit
Tallgrass Film Festival
The Whole Person
Thank You Walt Disney
UMKC Film Department
University of Kansas Film and Media Studies
United Motion Picture Association (UMPA)
Variety the Children’s Charity of Greater Kansas City
Women of the Motion Picture Industry
CinemaKC Business Alliances
Allied Integrated Marketing
Allied Theatre Craft
Bazillion Animation
B & B Theatres
Boulevard Digital Drive-in Theatre
Buttonwood Financial, LLC
Conscious Images
Dickinson Theatres
Fine Arts Theatres
Haywood Marketing Communications
Kansas City Area Development Council
KC Stage Magazine
KC Studio
Mile Deep Films
Outpost Worldwide
Prizm Productions
Screenland Armour
Screenland Crossroads
Screenland Crown Center
StagePort KC
Substream Music & Sound Design
Studio Facilities
Outpost Worldwide
A Co-Production of KCPT
Larry Garrett (Director/Producer/Executive Producer): www.kcfilm.com/guide/monkjack-productions and www.imdb.com/name/nm2006873
Linda Wiedmaier (Supervising Producer/Executive Producer): www.lindawiedmaier.com
Dylan Dietz (Producer/Post-Production Supervisor/Editor): www.linkedin.com/in/ddietz
Michelle Davidson (Host/Producer): www.michelledavidson.net and www.imdb.com/name/nm2976354
Erin McGrane (Host/Producer): www.imdb.com/name/nm0569753 and www.victorandpenny.com
Jerry Rapp (Creator/Executive Producer): www.imdb.com/name/nm0710850
Outpost Worldwide (Production): www.outpostworldwide.com
Chris Durr (Jib Operator): www.linkedin.com/pub/chris-durr/46/233/a1
Bryce Young (First Assistant Director/Floor Manager): www.kcfilm.com/guide/bryce-youngandwww.www.witheredworld.tv
Tucker Keatley (Second Assistant Director): www.kcfilm.com/guide/tucker-keatley
John Burke (Assistant Technical Director): www.kcfilm.com/guide/john-burke
Jennifer Seward-DeRock (Script Supervisor): www.exposureinc.com/sheet.cfm?talentnum=2531
Mary C. Taylor (Assistant Camera): http://fliptpictures.com
Emily Herold (Assistant Camera): http://www.linkedin.com/pub/emily-herold/75/b3b/31b
Wheeler Audio (Post Production Audio): www.wheeleraudio.com
Daniel C. Warneke (Post-Production Audio): www.frontieraudio.com
Noel Selders, Substream Music and Sound Design (Opening Music): www.substreammusic.com
Jeff Freling (Closing Music/Additional Music): www.victorandpenny
The Film Society of Greater Kansas City, Inc.: www.filmkc.org
Screenland: www.screenland.com