ATTENTION: CinemaKC needs your help!

CinemaKC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We create an actual and virtual space for members of the regional film community that facilitates communication and collaboration among local filmmakers and the movie-going public. We have provided numerous showcases for the region’s film community through events and screenings. Our continuing mission is to cultivate diversity, education and outreach within the art and film community.

CinemaKC is a television show, working on its 3rd season, which will be airing on KCPT in the fall. This year CinemaKC has plans to grow, become even more involved in the community, and collaborate on projects with the entire arts family in KC. We had begun our events and fundraising for the year, with filming of Season 3 (13 episodes) scheduled for June. Unfortunately at our last board meeting we were informed that we would be losing our headquarters at Screenland Crossroads in just a few short weeks as the landlord has made other plans for the building that do not involve a theater.

CinemaKC is a community. Not only do we host events and panel discussion like Oscars and Critics, 11/11 screening of This is Spinal Tap, and Beatles 50th Anniversary Edition of All You Need Is Love Me Do, we also sponsor and assist many of the local film festivals, and promote regional film makers.

That’s why we need your help!

We have to be out of Screenland Crossroads by May 20th. Just days away. With events planned out for the year, a new website about to launch, and a show about to start filming we find ourselves without a base. Please join us for our final two events with Screenland and help us raise the funds we need to maintain our operations for the next year.

What we are seeking:

  1. A minimum of $12,000 to cover the cost of our upcoming events and basic operations for the year.
  2. Items that we can use in our live auction and fundraising efforts.
  3. Like-minded individuals to collaborate with us on our mission through donated time, skills and/or financial support.

May 8th – Our final official screening with Screenland Crossroads. “Tom & Harry, The Boss and The President”, hosted in association with the Harry S. Truman Library and Museum. 7 pm with a $10 suggested donation, 6pm mixer with the filmmaker and you can have your picture taken with a Harry Truman Impersonator. Click here to RSVP. An RSVP is not necessary to attend, but is always helpful when planning these events.

May 16th – We will be doing a cocktail hour, live auction, a mystery screening, and kicking off a fundraising campaign. A $10 suggested donation gets you in the door. Click here to RSVP. As mentioned previously, an RSVP is not necessary to attend, but it helps us plan.

May 17th – This will be the BIG BLOWOUT as we drink and make merry for the last night that Screenland Crossroads is open. There will be live bands, drinks, and much much more. Come party and say your farewells to a Crossroads landmark.

May 18th – We clear the building!

For more information please contact Steven Fuller 816-781-9080 or via email You can also LIKE us on Facebook /CinemaKC, FOLLOW us on Twitter @CinemaKC, FOLLOW the hashtag #savescreenlandKC and tell us your stories about what @ScreenlandKC & @CinemaKC mean to you.

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